Early Dec 1st

Lovely, sunny morning with a warm wind.
3am starts are proving too much for me, so I lay in till 05:30 and lack terminal exhaustion from lack of sleep.  Can't get early to bed as afternoon drives often don't end till after 8pm, then there's dinner to be cooked and eaten.
We have seen lions, cheetah, wild dogs, elephant, lots of antelope, lots of birds (berd nerd page to come), tagged more pictures of white backed vultures than is good for me, set up and removed camera traps on culled giraffe, checked out the lionesses in the boma, due to be released any time now, used pints of factor 50 and bug spray and not been attacked by mozzies (though ants are a different matter).
Have a few pics:
 Lioness showing the cats in the boma who's boss

 Tawny eagle
 Nyala mum and calf

 The best animals on Planet Earth
 Hippo trail
 African view - Nsumo Pan
 Leopard tortoise
 Not a leopard tortoise
 Ben and Mike setting up a camera trap
 Impala lambs
 St Lucia vervet
 Mike and PJ changing camera trap memory card
 More of the best animal on the planet
 Cheetah family - mum and 3 sub adult cubs
 Cheetah cub
 Young Kalahari lion
 Big bull ellie


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