Nov 17th - mostly birds

So, today,  I have mostly been a #1 class idiot. I am perfectly well aware that wind + sun+ water = sunburn. Sunglasses required if you want to look at my face. (Don't.)

Lake Jozini (which is a dam*) looking for hippo: tick, crocs: tick, birds various: tick.

*Dam: nothing to do with electricity or an actual dam. It is simply an artificial source of water, man-made. No specific size is required.
Dam: see above
Pan: a natural area of water, often made by mammals enlarging an originally small waterhole (also a natural thing).
So here is a selection of pix for your delectation, none of which involve me successfully impersonating a beetroot:

Hippo pod with small baby.
Fish eagle - iconic South African bird. I have pix of the three we saw but there shall be a dedicated bird page for bird nerds in due course.

Great egret

Juvenile brown snake eagle. Sorry about the cable :-( 


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